Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Connections 5.5 Rich Text widget loops the community - a third option to fix the issue

I do not know if this is the correct way to fix the issue (changing the rteJAASAuth user). I have not verified this with IBM yet!!

When doing a migration to 5.5 CR1, there´s an issue with the Rich Text widget.

Adding the widget in a community makes the browser go into a loop of refreshing the page.

Previously, this has helped me fix the issue (thanks you guys!):

And there´s also a technote on this:

In previous migrations, the above mentioned links has worked for me. (Deleting the "conn-rte" entry in OH2P_CLIENTCFG table, located in the HOMEPAGE database, deleting the message stores and switching to a LDAP user + set "everyone" as the reader of the Websphere Application named "RichTextEditors".)

But this time, I discovered another approach that allows me to still use the local "wasadmin" user, and not an LDAP user as the ConnectionsAdmin user.

There is a JAAS - J2C Authentication data called "rteJAASAuth" which I was not aware of.
This one was just laying there with no username and password set.

So I set it to match my ConnectionsAdmin user.

I then shut down the servers, deleted the messageStores, synced the nodes and deleted "temp" and "wstemp" and then started the servers up again.

After this, I had no browser "loopage" in the Community anymore. Problem fixed!

Is this a new role introduced in CR1? Why is it not set during installation of Connections?

In my next migration, I will attempt on setting this JAAS role only, and see if this is enough for the issue to be fixed. I might end up doing all the other stuff as well... we´ll see :-)

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